Monday, October 4, 2010

[ cOmIc StrIpS ]

[  mEmOrIeS iN a SmAlL rOoM aNd oLd StUrGglE wItH fRiEnDs ]


we met again in a special moment for muslim and muslimah. This time i want we together to reveal the story behind artwork ont it. I think all of you can imaging about this picture and what happens to them. It's some look like a few boy wearing white shirt and green pants, and we look a few table behind them. What happen?? and where are there??. Now we turn to the heading above the reference to the question which I will give the answer here.

 I really want to tell about memories of the school together to face all the time with friends and trying to cook themselves to face the outside world still awaits to be explored and exploited by the so-called youth. This is because in a small room and this old man had managed to produce more useful to society. the reader not only focuses on the character of 3 students, but look in every corner of the picture that I have given above. Somebody saying "dont judge a book by it's cover", now we talk about memoreis make some people respect each other. I think all of our readers have experienced situations such as in the picture and the feelings that are still playing in every corner of our minds all.

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